Alight Fingers Juggling and Circus Skills Workshops  

Balls To The Baltic - Latvia or Bust



Loud…What? … I said Loud … You said What?

So, shaking the gorilla by the paw, we headed off into the sunset and found our way to Fontaines. Fontaine Palace was where Katriina worked when she wasn’t keeping us vaguely organised, and it was also where we were to be doing our final show at the end of the week. As we walked in the door, the first and most indisputable impression was that there was a thrash/heavy/death/add extended genre metal band doing their sound check, and they were doing it LOUD. As in ‘putting up shelves with powertools at midnight when they’re nailing the shelves to your eardrums’ LOUD.  There were a few other people sitting around, and you could see the strained faces as they sat in their groups, trying to do things other than listen to the sound of dieing chainsaws giving birth coming from the stage.

As you may have guessed from this, Fontaine Palace is not a palace so much as a bar/club. We sat ourselves down, and words were passed, although I’m not sure any of them were heard, and the waitress/bar staff headed off to organise food. We sat and attempted to make conversation, by shouting at each other across the table, but in the end just ended up laughing at the futility of the attempts.

As the food came, and we sat there with a well earned feed, trying to converse, it was quite frankly painful, if funny. The band would play a quarter of a song, stop for just long enough for us to get in half a sentence, and then start again before you could finish it. Most of the conversation at this point had needless to say come down to variations of “aren’t the band loud”, so it wasn’t like you needed to make a full sentence anyway.



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